Tuesday 6 November 2018

New Zealand's waterways - Matthew Davey

How Polluted Are New Zealand’s Rivers?

Read through the article and images that it provides, complete the table below.

What are some things Kiwi’s are doing to reinvigorate the rivers?
Cleaning and caniling

What does reinvigorate mean?
give new energy or strength to.
How does sediment pollute our waterways?

1.causing long term damage to marine life

2. Clouding the water

3.blocks light killing plants
Describe how Cows pollute our waterways using the infographic you’ve seen.

Cow pollute our waters by the what the exscret aka urine washing into the water making it hasadis.

Describe the pattern of deforestation in NZ by completing the sentence starters:

I can see a huge decrease of green

Over this time period trees have disapered

List the three main contaminants (things that pollute the water)
What is the problem that algal bloom causes? Algal bloom take oxygen out of the water and growing at a explamental rate and killing plants.

Find a picture (new zealand) paste it here.
What could we do to help the rivers? Fish the algal bloom out of the water and study how it works and find a way to stop or use to stop other algal bloom

My OPINION paragraph

Are the 100% PURE NZ tourist videos 100% Factual?

I believe the 100% PURE NZ tourist videos are have basic mistakes in the videos that could become a problem and nothing more Because they show bad thing like drinking the water and explore anywhere and there a no towns and it can be quite dangerous like E coli and algal bloom that can kill people. This shows that the 100% nz logo and video needs to be changed to help and protect people that come to New Zealand and New zealanders that live here can know that something are not good to for you or are just dangerous. So that is my final point that it just needs to slightly change to be more safe for Me, you and everybody else to stay safe and away from danger to not tern New zealand into a hell hole.