Sunday 5 June 2016

week 5 refleshin

we have been creating different tips of poem like
memory poem were we had to yous descriptive writing
This is my image

Jumping on the boat, flying through the water, faster and faster, LIKE, we are taking off through glittering shimmering water.
Bouncing around as we shake up and down.
As the water turns dark the wave’s smash and crash!
Suddenly the boat rises up, up, up and smashes back down, falling over, and lifting myself up.
Birds fluttering on the water, slamming into the water getting fish in every bite.
Bird’s dipping and diving.

the end
all so another poem is one related to the midnight skater it will be down at he bottom that evolve's being a personification and descripshon


There’s moonlight on  the battlefield
Nothing moves, no sound
A a glint of light upon a shield
Shadows dart around

A sudden surge of figures
From the book shelves above
Makes the teddies shiver
And the books begin to shove

Books spew out onto the floor
Tumbling then CRASH
The Xbox games rush through the door
So starts the mighty clash

The battle rages for his mind
And for his attention
Games and books are entwined
Toys add to commotion

BANG, Mum comes through the door
“Goodness what a mess!
All this stuff left on the floor!

Time out for him I guess!”

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