Tuesday 10 April 2018

9MG English: Term One

This term we have been learning all about what is the hero cycle.
The hero cycle can be called the hero's journey and it mean the same thing it is the the journey to becoming a hero
As well as hero cycle. we have been doing a thing like the big questions and success ticket.
The big question is were every start if class we do something like free writing or some type of writing with a time limit of 5 minutes on the board that looks like this
and when it is up you stop what you are doing and if you want show every one what you have done.
Here is an example.

The success ticket is were you evaluate what you have done and how well you have done. Then every one gets a ticket and she picks a random number and they get to pick a item out of her prize draw.
Here is an example.

This term was great and one of my most proud of peaces of work is this... LINK it was good to be able to show who my hero is and how i can show and tell why she is my hero and others.It was interesting read all about her history

On Monday me and all the other year nine's went to Kumara were we got to know the history of Kumara. We went to the big rock called Londonderry and how when it fell down the hill it did not kill anyone and roomers say it stopped all the clock's stopped. We found out all about the people of the town's. It was good to find out about the majority of kumara history.

Thanks for reading my post.

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